Our Blog

Warning Signs of Impacted Wisdom Teeth

September 20th, 2023

When your wisdom teeth start to emerge it can definitely be painful, but it can be even worse if your wisdom teeth become impacted. Impacted wisdom teeth are trying to erupt but are unable to do so because there is not sufficient room for them to emerge. This usually means that your wisdom teeth are…
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Flossing Fixes

September 13th, 2023

A length of floss plus your teeth is about as low-tech as it gets. But, as with so many other “simple” skills, it helps to learn just the right technique to avoid common mistakes and to make your flossing as effective as it can possibly be. Choose the Right Floss for You You’re getting ready…
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Football Season? Practice Dental Defense

September 6th, 2023

It’s finally football season, and whether you’re on the field, at the game, or watching at home with friends, it’s time to work on some defensive dental strategies. Taking the Field If you’re playing team football, you already know just how important your mouthguard is. So important, it’s actually part of every uniform. But if…
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Labor Day: Our favorite holiday to rest!

August 30th, 2023

Labor Day, celebrated on the first Monday each September here in the United States, is a holiday devoted to the American working community. The purpose of the holiday is honoring the country's workers and their contributions to the strength of our country as a whole. How Labor Day Started There is actually some debate as…
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(215) 643-0666
We speak Arabic & French
1000 E Welsh Rd
Ambler, PA 19002
7:00 am - 5:00 pm

7:00 am - 7:00 pm

7:00 am - 1:00 pm

7:00 am - 7:00 pm

7:00 am - 1:00 pm
an appointment